I'm calling this a weekly roundup just to get something down to map out the past week, I'm feeling a sense of frustration on a number of fronts - mostly nothing to do with my practice, but leaving me with a sense of a week in which nothing has been achieved. So let's focus on the positive: great life drawing session involving animation; exceptional session on reflection with Jonathan Kearney from CSM; motivated by that session, got my thumb out to write a blog post about the life drawing; finished my blog post for the reading for Critical Debates; virtual introduction to Rob Crow who heads the technical team for a lot of the stuff I'm interested in; visited the university campus for the first time since going to meet Tansy in February last year; got some books from the library; picked up a sound kit from the kit hub; attended a book launch, for Coal Country, a book that could be very relevant to my research on coal mining; attended a photoshop introduction with Anne Robinson which went into some of the basic stuff that I've just missed in past introductions. ordered a roller and some ink to try some printing experiments at home; and worked with Sophie to set up a Miro board for our open studio next week.
Okay, when I list it all like that it seems like quite a lot of positive, so perhaps I'm being harsh on myself, or maybe it points to the non-art stuff being more of a frustration.
The one thing I'd say is that, other that the life drawing, I can't point to any making that I've taken forward particularly. The one thing I've done so far - my broken screen film - has come to a dead-end despite lots of good input from the crit a couple of weeks ago - maybe the open studio will give some more impetus to that.
Missing from the "positives" list above is registering for Events Day. There, perhaps, is one of the sources of any art based frustration I'm feeling, and perhaps that is why it's not on the positives list. I'm struggling with how this becomes impactful, or how it has a structure/meaning presented in a Zoom call. The previous attempt at the piece of work had a play area / game board / stage which both confined the players, but also acted as something to rebel against. There where lines and hexagons marked on the floor (following the 1980's game Kensington), but none of the motions (except for one) paid any attention to these - which I liked.

Hopefully, I'll be recoding the voice for this today and that, at least, will move me forward.
Ended the week on a coal theme by watching Brassed Off, a 1996 film written and directed by Mike Herman about a colliery brass band as their colliery was was being closed down. So much warmth and humour - terrific film.